Monday, September 27, 2010

What is the neurology involved within research to ride a bike?

What is the neurology involved within research to ride a bike?
There is a concept called muscle memory that explains what happen when learning to ride a bike, or any motor skill for that concern. It involves an interaction between the cerebellum and the motor areas of the cerebral cortex. Basically, movement is initiated within the frontal lobe of the cerebrum and modified/controlled by cerebellum. The more you do the action the more your brain get to work on refining the movement. And, as the action is practiced repeatedly the brain develops a sort "file" on how to do that accomplishment - muscle memory.
That's a simplified response, but it's the gist.
neurology deals beside the brain.
And when u ride a bike u need ur brain to assist u when ur just about to fall as within reflexes.

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