Monday, September 27, 2010

What is the difference between the "spur-of-the-moment test" urine drug blind and the urine drug peak sent to a lab?

If you have a denial urine "quick test" is it possible to own a positive "extensive" test? Is at hand a method to cleanse your system where trace of the drug THC is removed for both of the above testing?What is the difference between the "spur-of-the-moment test" urine drug blind and the urine drug peak sent to a lab?
The "quick" test is constrained to just a few indicators and the other is, as the term implies, more extensive and detects copious elements.
No, there's no cleansing process unless you went through dialysis.
The one sent to the lab is probabally and most definatly more professional and accurate.
swift test is a color theory test depend on reaction of the drugs that we suspect to find contained by urine with in no doubt reagents each drug afford certain color or efferviscence this can be done as bed side audition but lab detect chemical,physical &mcroscopic nature of urine & also we use rapid test for poisoning states but lab. for pathologies.

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