Saturday, December 3, 2011

What is wheat grass and be do i go and get it?

What is wheat grass and be do i go and get it?
Wheat grass is from where we go and get the wheat grain i.e. made into flour that we used in making cake, bread,pastries, pastas, etc. It is grown globally near China, India,US,Russia and France as the top 5 producers. You will get it from wheat farm.
Wheat grass is just what it sounds like--the wheat plant--a grass. Young wheat grass is green and tender and is supposed to be a polite source of several vitamins. I am not sure where you could smoothly get a plant. You can return with wheat grass juice at Wild Oats market, Whole Foods, etc. I have see it served fresh in tiny cups, frozen into rime cubes so you can add it to doesn`t matter what you are drinking. Odwalla also has it surrounded by one of their juice drinks.

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